Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy for the Gift



I’ve been thinking about my sermon from Pentecost Sunday ever since I presented it. I’m hoping that the message was clear…We need to be excited about the gift we received from God in the form of the Holy Spirit. I told the church that if we really believe in Jesus Christ and trust that he keeps his promises, then we are all Pentecostal Christians. After all, didn’t Jesus promise to send the Holy Sprit, the Advocate, the Counselor, to remind us of Jesus’ teaching and to guide us forward in our mission to the world? If this is true, then the Spirit’s presence in our lives makes us Pentecostal by definition.

If we accept this premise, then I believe we need to be very happy about this gift we’ve been given. This is a really great present and it’s worth sharing with everyone we meet. I think that was the general idea…God gives us the Spirit so we will know how to share Jesus with the world. We are not called to blend in and hide our gift; we are called to stand out and draw attention to God. I hope you enjoy this message. Below is a link to the audio version:


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Happy walker said...
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