Thursday, May 28, 2009

Take thou authority...

It is done! On Wednesday evening, May 27th, 2009, Bishop Robert E. Hayes, Jr. laid hands on me (along with 19 others) and said: "Take thou authority..." This marks another beginning to a life-long journey that started with a calling from God, continued with preparation and seminary education, processed theough Board interviews and paperwork, endured internship and scrutiny, and culminated with this glorious event when the Holy Spirit took over and let everything gently fall into place in our midst. This was a night to remember forever and an expression of God's love that will last a lifetime. Thank you, Jesus, for grace, mercy, and love!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Sunday...

It's Sunday morning once again. Today our Sunday school lesson will talk about how we can be better at being the church in our community. What can each person do to use their particular gifts and graces to help advance the message of Jesus Christ? That seems appropriate for this week as we go into Annual Conference.

My sermon this morning is about prayer and how we should always be in prayer for others. Jesus prayed for us in the garden; we should pray for others - when they know it and when they don't. Prayer is our conversation with God. It is so vital to our spiritual health to be in conversation with God. Again, appropriate as we go to Annual Conference.

This year's Conference is especially important for me. On Wednesday evening I will be ordained and set apart as an elder in full connection with the Church. Wow! What an honor and privilege. I am in awe going into this and I am so pleased that God chose me to be God's servant! Thank you, Lord!

Friday, May 22, 2009


A friend and colleague mentioned yesterday that I don't update my blog often enough; she's right. I haven't yet developed the habit of sharing my journal everyday and I'm not even sure anyone is interested. But, today I am in the mood again because I spent yesterday with our Bishop Robert Hayes and my fellow classmates who are about to be ordained on Wednesday. It was a great day and I began to grasp the full significance of all this.

The head of our Board of Ordained Ministry reminded us of the long line of succession we are about to step into. Other speakers reminded us of the years of training and internship we have endured and the significance of our calling into the set-apart ministry of ordination. All of this serves to inspire awe and the desire for excellence going forward. This is a huge responsibility and the only thing that makes it possible to accept is knowing that Jesus has been and will continue to walk beside me as I try to do my best to follow his leadership. Bishop reminded us that our only entitlement as ordained elders is our service - we are entitled to be servants of God.

I think of the words of ordination: "Take thou authority to preach the Word of God, to order the life of the church, and administer the holy sacraments. Wow! What a charge to keep I have! I pray for myself and those who will walk beside me next week that we will accept this charge with humility and grace; I pray that God will be with us as we go forward to serve in love.

Amen and amen!