Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Centerpiece

"The Centerpiece"
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Holy Thursday, April 1, 2010

The meals Jesus shared during his earthly ministry proclaim the nearness of the Kingdom…

When Jesus feeds the multitudes, we see a sign of the great feast that awaits all believers

In his last meal with the disciples, the fellowship of the Kingdom is linked to the immanent suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

After his resurrection, Jesus makes himself known to his disciples
in the breaking of the bread

Paul's words to the church at Corinth remind us that the Eucharist continues these meals
of Jesus' earthly life as a sign for us of God's Kingdom.

For Christians, Holy Communion brings the Passover memorial of Israel's deliverance from the bondage of slavery forward to become a sign of our deliverance from slavery to sin.

This is the meal of the new

It is the feast of the Living sacrifice of the Perfect Lamb of God.

Christ commanded his disciples to remember him in this sacrament…

To encounter him in this meal…

To bring continuity to the people until he returns…

As Christ is the center of our faith, Holy
Communion is the Centerpiece of our worship…

There is nothing more important to us as followers of Christ than this memorial of his ultimate sacrifice to save us…

It is clear throughout the Gospels, Paul's writings, and every bit of early church history we can find that Holy Communion is to be the focus of our worship together.

Through the Eucharist we are joined with Christ, we receive his grace, and we encounter again and again his real presence in the world.

Holy Communion is thanksgiving to God the Father…

In this sacrament we give thanks to God for sending his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall never die, but have eternal life.

It is the proclamation and celebration of the great gift of love God gives us.

We give thanks here for what God has accomplished in the church and in the world,
in spite of our sinfulness.

The Eucharist reconciles us with God and unites us with Christ…
For this we are truly thankful!

Holy Communion is a memorial of Jesus Christ…

The sacrament of the Eucharist was given to us by Jesus himself…

It not only memorializes his passion and death, it also celebrates his resurrection.

Through the communion liturgy we celebrate God's work in Jesus Christ AND

we anticipate God's continued action in the world through us…

At the center of this sacrament stands the body and blood of Jesus given up for us.

In this sacrament we offer ourselves as a holy and living sacrifice in our daily lives.

We pray that God will use us to share the benefits of this sacrifice with the whole world as we go forth as the Body of Christ.

Ultimately, when we receive Holy Communion, we are united with Christ
and with all the saints and martyrs who have gone before us;
we truly become renewed in the eternal covenant of God's people.

Holy Communion invokes the presence of the Holy Spirit…

The power of the Holy Spirit is what makes the crucified and risen Christ present to us in the Eucharistic meal.

This fulfills the promise of the words spoken in the liturgy.

The Holy Spirit's presence here is fundamental to the sacrament.

The Living Word of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit transform the bread and wine into the sacramental signs of Christ's body and blood.

Truly, Holy Communion is the ultimate celebration of God's Holy Trinity…

Interior decorators often use a centerpiece to set the theme for a dining table,
to help focus the guests on the mood they are trying to establish…

The centerpiece on a table can be very important to the overall scheme of your home

For us, Holy Communion provides a Centerpiece that sets the theme for our worship…

It helps us to focus on what's really important here…

It calls us to the table to share in the salvation offered by Christ…

It sets a somber tone when we look on it as the symbol of passion and death…

At the same time, it is a cause for joyous celebration as a symbol of Christ's resurrection.

Holy Communion as a Centerpiece for worship is a powerful and holy sacrament that draws us into the grace of God and the saving action of Jesus Christ

I encourage you tonight to begin to re-think Holy Communion
as part of your worship life…

Recognize how truly special it is – whether you receive it daily, weekly, or monthly –
Holy Communion is no more or less special based on the frequency you receive it; it is special because of God's hand in it…

The early church celebrated the communion meal every
time they gathered…

Many churches celebrate communion at every worship service.

We offer Holy Communion every Sunday evening…

That should be sufficient reason to come to church on Sunday nights…
Just to be able to participate in communion.

Hear Paul's words again:

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup,
you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."

Isn't that what we are called to do as disciples of Christ – to proclaim the Lord's death?

Are we not called to tell everyone we meet about the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and what it means for each person?

Isn't the mission statement of this church:
"To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ"?

Every time we celebrate Holy Communion we proclaim Christ…
we fulfill our mission…
we act on Paul's words…

Truly, this is The Centerpiece of our faith.


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