Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The new TV series, "Flash Forward" posits the idea that the entire world blacks out at the same time and everyone is given a vision (a flash forward) of their future on a particular date. Then we go on to see if this knowledge actually changes anyone's behavior. Personally, I lost interest in the TV show after the first episode, but the premise stuck with me. What if we had a vision of the future? Would it change the way we behave? The truth is, we do have a vision of the future - God's vision of the coming kingdom and our place in it. So, do we behave any differently because of this vision? I sometimes wonder.

As we work our way through this first week of Advent, we are called to prepare ourselves; we are called to expect something great in the next few weeks; we are called to be ready for this great expectation. The problem seems to be that our culture is calling us to be involved in everything but preparation for the arrival of the Christ Child. Shopping for Christmas gifts that are too expensive and often not what they wanted. Decorating our homes and businesses with lights and glitter so that we outshine our neighbors and appear to be the best dressed house in town. Sending out boxed Christmas cards, or "holiday cards", and those endless and inane newsy letters that nobody wants to read. These are the things that occupy the precious four weeks of Advent until, before you know it, Christmas is here and you aren't ready for Jesus to enter in at all. We lament, where did the time go? We can't believe that Christmas got here so fast. We struggle to get everything done that our culture demands of us. All the while, Jesus is waiting for us to invite him into the celebration. Jesus is wondering what we expect when we can't seem to focus on what is truly important about this time of year. What is it we expect?

Do you expect to meet the Living Christ this Christmas? Do you expect to be transformed? Do you expect your life to change because of Jesus Christ? Do expect to behave differently because of the vision God has for your future? Do you expect anything special at all this Christmas? I truly believe that Christmas is in the eyes of our expectations. What do you expect this Christmas?

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