Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Recently I've had the privilege to lead a Bible study group for clients of a local drug treatment facility. I am touched by the hunger for Jesus that I find in these individuals; it seems to indicate a yearning for true hope in their lives. I am struck by their desire for forgiveness that is hampered by a belief that forgiveness is not available to them. Many of these people have been severely damaged by "religion" and "church" during their lives. They have suffered judgement from other people who have no right to judge. Our study of Scripture tells us over and over that judgement is reserved for God - it is not something that humans are entitled to exercise. Rather, we are called to love, support, care, and forgive. It breaks my heart to hear their stories of the damage done to them by pastors who don't seem to understand their role. Have we forgotten the message that God is about relationships and healing? Have we missed the point that Jesus came to reconcile people to God? Where did we ever get the idea that we were in any position to judge another human being? We are all so imperfect; we are all in need of forgiveness; we are all sinners..."Love God...love one another..." Are these not the two greatest commandments given us by God? Where in these commands do we hear "judge," "reject," or "condemn?"

I pray that the followers of Christ can return to an attitude of love for God and others that looks beyond our human sinfulness to the image of God from which we come. I pray we can offer each other a fraction of the grace God offers us every day. I pray that people can be healed from the damage done in the name of "religion." In Jesus' name. Amen.

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